
Chordify in the Studio

Getting your child interested in music is a fantastic way to foster creativity, develop coordination, and boost their confidence. One thing that has been a game changer for my students is incorporating an app called Chordify into their lessons. This innovative app is like a musical playground, turning learning guitar or ukulele into a fun and engaging experience.


Chordify Layout

It is Inspiring

This awesome online tool is like a musical playground. Here’s why it gets students excited about learning guitar and ukulele:

Jam Along to Their Favorite Tunes: Chordify allows them to play along with almost any song and see the chords displayed in a clear, easy-to-understand way. It’s like having a personal sheet music maker! It uses measures to display the chords and that can help with strum patterns. Each measure has a square for the beat which is ideal when showing them strum patterns.

Makes Learning Feel Like Play: It’s an interactive player that can also animate the chords as the song plays. This helps with chord memorization and speeds up their ability to make chord changes faster. Playing along with the actual song exciting for the students and has made an enormous difference in their chord retention.

Builds a Strong Foundation: It helps develop important musical skills. When students switch between chords, they’re naturally honing their timing and coordination. Plus, seeing the chord progressions visually helps them understand how songs are built.

Boosts Confidence and Keeps Them Motivated: As the student progresses, they’ll be able to tackle more complex songs, building their confidence and keeping them motivated to learn more.


I send each student a link that will have a playlist of songs we’ve covered in the lessons. They can then review songs we’ve done from their first lesson. I have the premium version which unlocks everything, but there is free version allows up to 3 songs per day to use in its basic form.

If you are interested in lessons, please contact me to start your musical journey!